Unemployed and looking for a forklift job. While many vacancies are advertised for forklift operators, very many more jobs require you to have a licence in addition to the main reason for which you were employed. In most cases, when you apply for a job (any job) where forklifts are used – it’s the person who has that extra qualification (to operate a forklift for instance) that gets the job.
To give you an example – in the past weeks we have had a number of attendees from many industries attend our training school – these have included 2 fitter turners, 3 plant and equip service staff, 1 air extraction tech, 1 compressor tech, 1 machine operator, 1 marine industry worker, 2 warehouse staff and also 3 unemployed people, one of whom found work while training with us. Next week we have 8 Bakery workers attending training, 5 factory workers and 6 others including a couple of individuals who are unemployed and wanting to greatly improve their chances of being hired.
Remember the old ‘foot in the door’? When you have a forklift licence you can apply for work – for any role – where forklifts are in operation – and that licence will be looked upon very favourably. An employer knows that they can call upon you to fill in – in case of the main operator’s sickness for example – and that is how you gain experience.
Remember also that all of our students are able to return to our school at no expense for additional practice sessions prior to starting new jobs. So – when you get that job – any job where forklifts are used – and you feel you need to just brush up on a few details – give us a call. If you are unemployed remember that we have agreements with all major Job Seeker Agencies too and they should agree to fund your training if it enhances your employment seeking endeavors.